Which Animation Event Should We Attend? MIPCOM, Kidscreen, or Annecy?

All three events mentioned—MIPCOM, Kidscreen, and Annecy—are prominent animation events in the industry, each with its own focus and advantages. The choice of which event to attend depends on your specific goals and interests. Here’s a brief overview of each event to help you make an informed decision:

MIPCOM (Marché International des Programmes de Communication):

MIPCOM is an annual trade show and marketplace for the entertainment industry, including animation. It takes place in Cannes, France, and attracts a diverse audience of television professionals, content creators, distributors, and buyers. While MIPCOM covers a wide range of content genres, it does include animation-focused events and screenings. The event allows you to showcase your animation projects to a global audience and network with potential partners and investors.

Mipcom dates, Prayan at Cannes

Kidscreen Summit:

Kidscreen Summit is a major conference and networking event focused specifically on children’s entertainment and animation. It usually takes place in North America, bringing together creators, producers, broadcasters, and distributors of kids’ content. If your animation project targets a young audience or you are specifically interested in the children’s entertainment industry, the Kidscreen Summit could be an excellent opportunity to pitch your ideas, attend informative sessions, and meet industry professionals.

Annecy International Animated Film Festival and Market:

Annecy is one of the most prestigious animation festivals in the world, held annually in Annecy, France. It is primarily a celebration of animated films, showcasing a diverse range of animated works from both established creators and emerging talents. The event includes film screenings, workshops, masterclasses, and a market where animation professionals can promote their projects, seek distribution deals, and network with industry leaders. Attending the Annecy Festival can be an enriching experience for animation enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Ultimately, the best animation event for you to attend depends on your specific goals and the nature of your animation projects. Consider what you aim to achieve (e.g., networking, distribution, pitching, learning), your target audience, and your budget and resources when making your decision. Research the latest information about each event to ensure you have the most up-to-date details to help you choose the one that aligns best with your objectives.

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